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Now give yourself a smile. What is the worth of a diamond, if it doesn't smile.


About Essenia


A Guide & Translator;
for the Voice of your Body; for the Voice of your Essence.
I am here to guide you, in seeing the Beauty of your Soul, in embracing & embodying your own medicine.
own your medicine.
That´s the core frequency of my mission.
To creatively shape this path together, in communion with our hearts, learning from each other,
with the focus on creating a new Earth, this is the point where my heart is deeply touched and breathes a sigh of relief.
Compassionate Medicine.
An integrative approach based on peace.
All these I believe are essential values for holistic healing & meaningful change. 
For us and for the world.
I believe that conscious change can happen when we focus on the power of the heart.
In interaction with ourselves, with others & with the earth.
By connecting our knowledge with our hearts and being courageous to take new paths from this touch.
To focus on the encounter with & the life of the own essence.
This is a loud & sometimes very quiet rebellion, from the strength of the heart.
It´s my pleasure to have you here.